
Monday, April 05, 2004

Locating the fundamental flaw in health care provision

[Rep. Bill Thomas, "Vision for Health Care," National Center for Policy Analysis Briefing, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., 12 February 2004.]

In this recent speech, Rep. Bill Thomas (R-CA) Chairman, House Ways and Means Committee, offers his explanation of where things went wrong with the health care system in the U.S., and why with Health Savings Accounts and other tools, the future could be better:

Join me briefly in going back to that period in history when somebody decided that instead of paying an employee a dollar in wages, we should create collusion between the government and the employer and provide “health care” or “fringe benefits” instead. That little separation between wages and fringe benefits has laid the groundwork, fundamentally and virtually completely, for the problems we face today.

(Thanks to George Pearson for this story.)

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