
Thursday, October 28, 2004

Medicaid musical chairs

[Scott Rothschild, "Medicaid realignment in works," The Lawrence Journal-World, 28 October 2004.]

The Governor is once again hinting at big plans for Medicaid reform, but actually revealing anything concrete is another matter. It's amazing how many news stories can be generated by simply announcing that something will be done at some point. The one new item in this article is the suggestion of plans to "reorganize" Medicaid through consolidation of services. This may lead to some savings, but at this point it's a bit like rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic:

Currently, the many Medicaid programs are administered mostly by the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services.

The plan under consideration would move Medicaid away from SRS, possibly into a health care purchasing group that would include the state employee health insurance system. Administration officials say there are study groups working on the proposal.

The idea is to free more dollars through administrative efficiencies

Robert Cauchi, health program director with the National Conference of State Legislatures, said the proposal sounded similar to what had been done in several other states, such as Georgia and Florida.

He said those states had consolidated health care buying programs to try to better negotiate for services under health care contracts.

"There is a certain attractiveness to saying let's bring those things all together," Cauchi said.

But, he said, it is still unknown whether the states have realized any cost savings.

[Matthew Hisrich, "A Backgrounder on Kansas Medicaid," The Flint Hills Center, 19 July 2004.]

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