
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Investor's Business Daily: "Patients should also be consumers"

["Patient Health and Health Savings Accounts, NCPA Daily Policy Digest, 16 February 2005.]

Investor's Business Daily weighs in on the new eHealthInsurance survey, and sees the popularity of HSAs as a sign of dramatic changes in the health care system:

Health savings accounts (HSAs) are turning patients into consumers by replacing one-size-fits-all insurance plans with individually owned tax-exempt savings accounts. With HSAs, more people can afford to be insured and portable private savings accounts lower costs and encourage preventive care, says Investor's Business Daily (IBD).

When paired with a high-deductible catastrophic insurance policy, HSAs lower overall costs and increase overall care, says IBD. If money is left over at the end of the year, it simply accumulates in HSA and earns interest. By creating a nest egg of savings, people are more prepared for future health expenses, from major illnesses and long-term care to paying insurance premiums during job transitions.

[Matthew Hisrich, "HSAs Are Increasing Americans' Health Coverage," The Topeka Capital-Journal, 26 September 2004.]

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